methyl acetate

Update time:2021/11/03 09:52:11  ???View:  
Methyl acetate (methyl acetate) has gradually become a mature product in the world, used to replace acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, ethyl acetate, cyclopentane, etc. Eastman of the United States replaced acetone with methyl acetate in 2005, because methyl acetate is not a restricted organic pollutant emissions and can meet the new environmental protection standards of paint, ink, resin, and adhesive plants.
Main purpose
Organic solvents for resins, coatings, inks, paints, adhesives, leather production processes, polyurethane foam blowing agents, thinners, etc.
Product advantages
1. It can be miscible with most organic solvents;
2. It has a wide range of dissolving power and can dissolve acrylic, vinyl, nitrocellulose, epoxy, polyurethane, polyester, phenolic resin, etc.;
3. It has a higher flash point and higher anti-whitening performance than acetone, which can better meet the requirements of coatings, paint process formulas and users;
4. It can replace the application of ethyl ester, acetone and methyl ethyl ketone in process formulations that require the use of low-boiling volatile organic solvents;
5. It can replace cyclopentane, chlorofluorocarbon, etc. in polyurethane shoe materials as an environmentally friendly foaming agent
6. VOC-Exempt Regulation Status Exempt from restricted conditions, environmentally friendly solvents.
Emergency measures
Skin contact: Take off contaminated clothing and wash skin thoroughly with soap and water.
Eye contact: Lift the eyelid and rinse with running water or normal saline. Seek medical attention.
Inhalation: quickly leave the scene to a place with fresh air. Keep the airway unobstructed. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing stops, give artificial respiration immediately. Seek medical attention.
Ingestion: Drink enough warm water to induce vomiting. Seek medical attention.
Respiratory protection: When you may be exposed to its vapor, you should wear a self-priming filter gas mask (half mask). It is recommended to wear an air respirator during emergency rescue or evacuation.
Eye protection: wear chemical safety glasses.
Body protection: wear anti-static overalls.
Hand protection: Wear rubber and oil-resistant gloves.
Other protection: Smoking is strictly prohibited at the work site. After work, take a shower. Pay attention to personal hygiene.
Leakage emergency treatment: quickly evacuate personnel from the leaked contaminated area to a safe area, and isolate them, strictly restrict access. Cut off the fire source. It is recommended that emergency personnel wear self-contained positive pressure respirators and anti-static overalls. Cut off the source of leakage as much as possible. Prevent entry into restricted spaces such as sewers and flood drains. Small leakage: Use activated carbon or other inert materials to absorb. It can also be washed with a large amount of water, and the washing water is diluted and put into the waste water system. A large number of leaks: build a dike or dig a pit for storage. Cover with foam to reduce steam hazards. Use explosion-proof pump to transfer to tank truck or special collector, recycle or transport to waste disposal site for disposal.
Hazardous combustion products: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide.
Fire extinguishing method: use alcohol-resistant foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder, sand to extinguish the fire. Using water to extinguish a fire is ineffective, but water can be used to keep the containers in the fire scene cool. [2]
Management information
Management of operations

Airtight operation, full ventilation. Operators must undergo special training and strictly abide by the operating procedures. It is recommended that operators wear self-priming filter respirators (half-face masks), chemical safety glasses, anti-static overalls, and rubber oil-resistant gloves. Keep away from fire and heat sources, and smoking is strictly prohibited in the workplace. Use explosion-proof ventilation systems and equipment. Prevent the vapor from leaking into the air in the workplace. Avoid contact with oxidants, acids, alkalis. During filling, the flow rate should be controlled, and there should be a grounding device to prevent static electricity from accumulating. When handling, load and unload with care to prevent damage to packaging and containers. Equipped with corresponding types and quantities of fire-fighting equipment and leakage emergency treatment equipment. Empty containers may be harmful residues.
Storage management
Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat sources. The storage temperature should not exceed 30°C. Keep the container tightly closed. It should be stored separately from oxidants, acids and alkalis, and avoid mixed storage. Use explosion-proof lighting and ventilation facilities. It is forbidden to use mechanical equipment and tools that are prone to sparks. The storage area should be equipped with leakage emergency treatment equipment and suitable storage materials.
Management of transportation
Transport vehicles should be equipped with corresponding types and quantities of fire-fighting equipment and leakage emergency treatment equipment during transportation. It is best to transport sooner or later in summer. The tank (tank) truck used during transportation should have a grounding chain, and a hole partition can be set in the tank to reduce vibration and static electricity. Mixed shipment and transportation with oxidants, acids, alkalis, edible chemicals, etc. are strictly prohibited. Avoid exposure to the sun, rain, and high temperature during transportation. Stay away from fire, heat sources, and high-temperature areas during stopovers. The exhaust pipe of the vehicle carrying the item must be equipped with a fire arrester, and it is prohibited to use mechanical equipment and tools that are prone to sparks for loading and unloading. When transporting by road, follow the prescribed route and do not stop in residential or densely populated areas. It is forbidden to drop off during railway transportation. It is strictly forbidden to transport in bulk by wooden ships or cement ships.
Waste management: Dispose by incineration.

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